Long-Term Follow-Up Studies: An Update on Schizophrenia.

Forord: Jeg har af Brian Koehler fra New York fået lov til at oversætte denne artikel til dansk og bruge den i den generelle debat, da han ligesom jeg mener, at forskningen på dette område er meget vigtig. Det er en artikel, som handler om tværkulturelle langtidsstudier for skizofreni. Brian Koehler skriver desuden, at mange […]

The Ethics of the Machine…

Skolimowski draws our attention to a new phenomenon, developing along with utilitarianism – the ethic of the machine, which is a kind of ethics hardly formulated or even observed. Yet its impact on Western societies has been profound. Since the scientific paradigm was developed in the 17th century, knowledge primarily deals with seeking “the truth”, i.e. the mechanical laws that rule matter. Along with the Western tendency to dominate and exploit nature, according to Skolimowski, intellectual understanding no longer seems to be enough; instead we understand in order to be able to control, and control to be able to manipulate. Here, he argues, the ethics of the machine shows its face – if you believe that the world is a machine, then it is rather natural to try to control and rule it…